Category: News

West Colfax Neighborhood Festival

In partnership with Denver Days, Confluence Ministries wants to invite you to the West Colfax Neighborhood Festival to celebrate our community, and provide an unforgettable experience for you and your family!There will be live music, food trucks, free bike giveaways &... Continue Reading

2022-23 Colfax Supply List/ Lista de útiles escolares de Colfax 2022-23

All school supplies are shared by all students except where noted. Please do not label supplies with your child’s name. Also, colors of notebooks and folders are for specific subjects; please do not send any fancy pictures on folders or notebooks.... Continue Reading

Welcome Back to School letter/Carta de bienvenida a clases

July 26, 2022 Dear Colfax Students & Families, Welcome back to the 2022-2023 school year!  We are excited to see all of our students back for in-person learning Monday, August 22nd.  If you missed Early Bird Registration in May, there are two ways you can still register for this school year. ... Continue Reading

Registration Dates/Inscripción 2022-23

If you missed Early Bird Registration in May, there are two ways you can still register for this school year.  Complete registration online by logging on to Parent Portal here:, or you can also come to Colfax for registration support August 2nd from 8am –... Continue Reading

Letter from Principal Koyama regarding Texas event/Carta de nuestra directora Koyama sobre el evento de Texas

Dear parents and families at Colfax, Whenever we have senseless acts of violence in our country that result in so much hurt and pain, it is always challenging to anticipate what the next day will bring for our children.  At Colfax Elementary this morning,... Continue Reading
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